Wanting to create something for the benefit of their children and their teammates, the Olanders thought a Bible study at their home would be a great way to build relationships and honor God.
They decided they would host meetings at their home twice a month.
When they considered a name, their son Stephen suggested a name that paid homage to their church, Family of Christ.
The decided upon Family of Christian Athletes, a.k.a. FCA.
Later, they met Fellowship of Christian Athletes staffer James Bolin.
"What you're hosting is basically an FCA Huddle group," James said.
Shannon laughs as she recalls the story.
"We didn't know anything about FCA at that point, which is comical," Shannon says. "We thought we had invented the wheel here!"
But what's happening is no laughing matter: Lives are being changed.
Recently, the students wrote letters about their experience in the Huddle.
The insights were overwhelming for Shannon and Rob.
"They're guys, so they're not super communicative," Shannon says. "But their attendance and questions and the fact that they keep coming has to be enough to know that they're growing."