A Culture Change at Concordia through Discipleship

Shelley Pearson • November 30, 2020

In a recent informal poll, people were asked to describe 2020 in just one word. While there are many (many, many) words to describe this year, some that made the list were annoying, unpredictable, crazy, life-changing, awful, exhausting, postponed, depressing, divisive, unbelievable, unsettling, frustrating, turbulent, unfriendly, unflattering, and hard.

But for Minnesota FCA staff, some of the words are the same, but others are markedly different, like trust, steadfastness, resilient, Christ-centered, opportunity, adaptable, innovative, faith, compassionate, courageous, consistent, flexible, creative, deeper, leadership, real, nimble, steadfastness, perseverance, yielded . . . and discipleship.


Looking at the last list, it is easy to see that God has redeemed a very difficult time for His glory and the good of His people. And thankfully, the last word – discipleship – has been a major push of Fellowship of Christian Athletes this year. They have held staff trainings (virtually, of course), published materials, sent updates, produced videos, and made discipleship the core of everything they do. 

Jesus said, “Go into all the world and make disciples . . .” Matthew 28:18.

This emphasis on discipleship isn’t new. FCA has made discipleship a top priority for at least the past decade, but it hasn’t been easy for many staff, coaches, or athletes to give up the fun, high-energy, large group, weekly huddle. But as we know about 2020, anything large-group has been canceled which also generally meant anything fun, high-energy, or weekly was also canceled. 

While FCA staff prayed about and adjusted the way ministry was done during a pandemic, God cleared a path for discipleship to become front and center for everyone. It was relatively easy to meet over Zoom or in small groups outside. People suddenly had more time in their schedules due to government shut-downs and stay-home orders. And God had been preparing hearts to yearn for deeper connection with others and Himself.

Concordia University Football FCA

Discipleship groups have popped up all over the state, including Concordia University in St. Paul. Jole Miller is the FCA Collegiate Representative to Concordia University and Macalester College. He has seen tremendous progress in discipleship in both the coaches huddle and athlete discipleship groups from the football team alone.

The Way Things Were

In the past, a large group of athletes started out the year attending weekly large-group FCA meetings. Soon, though, what started as sixty members soon dwindled to ten or fifteen athletes each week. The energy and excitement dwindled along with the numbers, and the fruit that FCA staff desired to see just wasn’t there. But according to Jole, “Now we are seeing more leaders being developed and creating a culture that isn’t just come and be fed but come and be equipped to live out your faith and lead others.” 

How is that happening? Through a coach and athletes who are living out Jesus’s command to go out and make disciples.

A Discipling Coach

The head coach is on fire for Jesus and deeply desires that his players know Jesus. In fact, it’s the main reason he coaches. He is investing in his own spiritual growth by participating in a coaches huddle with other college coaches and now leads a discipleship group with his own coaching staff. He sends out regular devotionals to his team and constantly encourages them in their walks with the Lord. He is being discipled and making disciples on his coaching staff and on his team.

Discipling Athletes

FCA staff has been discipling a small group of football players over the last two years to prepare them to go out and lead their own discipleship groups. The format of these discipleship groups was as follows: they started with introductions, defined the purpose of the group, shared the gospel, learned how to read the Bible, and are now going through a Discovery Bible Study on Philippians. Throughout the entire process, members are learning how to replicate this in their own groups. 

Two years ago, there were five guys in one discipleship group. Now there are four groups, each led by Jole or one of three guys from the team, with thirty athletes attending. In two years, the group has grown six-fold. Next to Discipleship, it’s another one of FCA’s favorite words: Multiplication. God started something in individual hearts and is now multiplying it in the hearts and lives of Concordia’s football team players. 

A Culture Change

Not only are the head coach, his coaching staff, and over a quarter of the team growing through discipleship, but the culture on the team is starting to change too. Negative qualities that are common to college sports teams are less prevalent now. As the coaches and athletes become more like Jesus, they begin to reflect His character both on and off the field – in the locker rooms, in their dorms, with their families, and when hanging out with friends.

Minnesota FCA has a vision to see discipleship groups across all high school and college campuses in Minnesota. Would you join us in praying that God would fulfill that vision and provide the staff, finances, and student athletes to make this happen?

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