East Metro FCA
To see the world transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes.
Huddle Name | Huddle Coach | Huddle Coach Email | FCA Staff |
East Metro Coaches | Brent Voight | bvoight@fca.org | Brent Voight |
East Ridge High School Huddle | Mathew Karasek | mkarasek@sowashco.org | Brady Bruesewitz |
Forest Lake High School Huddle | Brittni Miller | bmiller@flaschools.org | Brent Voight |
Hastings High School Huddle | Andy Lutz | alutz@hastings.k12.mn.us | Brady Bruesewitz |
Irondale High School Huddle | Andrew Peterson | andrew.peterson@moundsviewschools.org | Gavin Bowser |
Mahtomedi High School Huddle | Keith Newman | keith.newman@isd832.net | Brent Voight |
Mounds View High School Huddle | Aaron Redman | aaron.redman@moundsviewschools.org | Gavin Bowser |
New Life Academy | Charlie Hoaglund | CHoaglund@fca.org | Brady Bruesewitz |
North St. Paul High School | Bob Hackney | roberthackney6@gmail.com | Gavin Bowser |
Park High School Huddle | Michael Rand | mrand@sowashco.k12.mn.us | Brady Bruesewitz |
St. Croix Prep Huddle | Medora Benson | medorabenson@stcroixprep.org | Brent Voight |
Stillwater High School Huddle | Mitchell Weege | weegem@stillwaterschools.org | Brent Voight |
White Bear Lake High School | Shannon Riebow | shannon.riebow@isd624.org | Brent Voight |
Woodbury High School | Parker Theis | parkertheis01@gmail.com | Brady Bruesewitz |
Incredible ministry is taking place in the east metro area of Minnesota. Our blog, "Stories From the Field" is filled with stories like these (click to read):