FCA Impact - Parents' Perspective

Shelley Pearson • April 8, 2020
As parents, we want our kids to be healthy and happy and safe and successful. We hope they will make good choices and be kind people. We want them to one day be financially secure adults who add to society. While those things are certainly good and admirable, they fall short of the mark. There is more. 

A group of parents sat around the kitchen table of Brent Voight, FCA East Metro Area Director. Brent leads a Sunday evening baseball huddle of middle and high school boys. While the boys had their huddle time in the basement, Tom, Pam, Mina, and Sonia shared how FCA is impacting their sons and preparing them to be committed Christ followers both now and in the future.

The Weekly Huddle

The huddle at Brent’s house was started when Brent was coaching his son, Tanner’s baseball team. He invited the team to join the huddle, and Alex, Jacob, and Ben joined Tanner and started meeting together each week. They have since been joined by a group of middle school boys: another Ben, Cameron, and Alex’s brother, Sam. Each week, the boys have a time of teaching, prayer time, and games. They also enjoy occasional special activities like Whirlyball and Remote-Control car racing.

Shared Beliefs and Values

Each of the parents is incredibly grateful for the ministry of FCA in their son’s lives. When asked why, Mina said it is hard to find faith-based opportunities for kids to get together with others who share their beliefs and values. Sonia agreed. The huddle gives the boys a safe place to learn and grow in their walks with God together, and it provides a natural vehicle for the boys to hold each other accountable. 

As their friendships have deepened because of their intentional time in the huddle, the boys have become a constant encouragement to each other. Not only that, they empower each other to step out in faith and then support each other as they do so.

Deepening Spiritual Maturity

Tom and Pam have seen Ben grow in spiritual maturity. Tom said, “You know you’re going down the right path when he is reading his Bible on his own.” Pam added that Ben’s prayer life has grown deeper and more introspective. Mina agreed and said that Jacob is becoming more and more of a prayer warrior. In addition to seeing them read their Bibles and hearing more depth in their prayer lives, the boys are learning to make good choices as they practice how to keep their faith front and center in everything they do. 

Brent shared his vision for the huddle to be training the boys to follow Christ more closely. He used the cruise ship/battleship metaphor. Too often, we Christians prefer a spiritual cruise ship: cozy and comfortable, with everything designed for our happiness. Instead, God sends us out on a battleship: we are called to fight for the faith and for the souls of others while shielding ourselves from the enemy. Brent’s goal is to raise warriors who will live for Jesus.

Better People

Not only does FCA provide a safe place for the boys to be themselves and serve as a catalyst for spiritual growth, according to their parents, it also just makes them better people. The boys are building a foundation that is preparing them for life and the obstacles they will certainly come against as they grow to adulthood. They are learning leadership skills as they both lead by example and mentor the middle school boys who come to the huddle, and they are learning how to be bold in their interactions with others.

FCA Camps

FCA Camps have also had an impact Ben, Alex, Jacob, and Tanner. They all served at the local sports camps for older elementary students and had a great time. Sonia said Alex was nervous about serving before camp started, but because he understood the importance of the work, he boldly pressed into that intimidation. He ended up having such a great experience that he would have done it every week throughout the entire summer. The boys were impacted by how the younger kids looked up to them, and this drove them to be good role models.

Jacob and Tanner attended Regional Sports Camp in Iowa, where they learned how to live out their faiths in everything they do, whether on the baseball field or in life. Ben, Jacob, and Tanner all attended Leadership Camp at the University of Northwestern in St. Paul, where they learned to be stronger Christians and better leaders. Pam loved how they learn these things from their peers and the college-aged leaders in FCA and not just their parents or their pastor. 

FCA – A Far-Reaching Influence

In closing Pam said this about the boys’ experience with their weekly huddle, special events, and camps: “It gives the kids an avenue to express themselves and develop those relationships not only with other kids in FCA but also with the Lord that they can carry with them for the rest of their lives.” Others agreed. In fact, they each expressed their gratitude to be able to talk together about the impact of FCA on the lives of their children, and they would love to see more students get involved.

At a time when so much is fighting for our kids, we cannot afford to miss a single opportunity to point them toward a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ. Being part of FCA gives our kids purpose and hope at a time where there is much confusion and chaos around them. Not only are their lives changed, but they learn how to bring hope to those around them who are desperate for truth. These parents are so grateful for the work of God in their sons’ lives through the ministry of FCA. Who do you know that needs this hope? 

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