Student Spotlight: Faith Thompson of Holdingford H.S.

Sean Jensen • August 5, 2015

When she transferred to Holdingford High School, Faith Thompson was disappointed to discover the school didn’t have an FCA Huddle.

But given how much the Huddle has helped her, Thompson decided not to stand idly by.

“She didn’t just want to sit around,” said Tom Ness, the Central Lakes Area Director. “She took the initiative, developed a team and made it happen.

“I’m excited to work with someone like her because she wants to make a difference.” 

Before too long, about 20 students, in grades 7 through 12, attended the Holdingford’s Huddle meeting, which was held in the student lounge. Minnesota FCA’s Student Spotlight deservedly shines on Faith Thompson:

Q: What were you like as a child?
A: I was an only child, and I was always really lively. I didn’t cry or throw tantrums. My mom said I’d walk around the grocery store and sing songs. People would ask where I got my curly hair, and I said, “Jesus.”

Erin Deters

Q: Tell me about your faith journey?

A: Seventh and eighth grade were tough for me. I was a little overweight and people would tease me and make fun of me a lot. And I had a coach who was really mean to me. She told me I’d never make varsity in that sport in high school. I struggled with depression and anxiety.

I went to an FCA Huddle, and this girl was speaking. Her name was Erin Deters, and she gave her testimony. She went through similar things I went through, with bullying and body image (concerns), and she talked about how she found Christ.

That jumpstarted my relationship with God again.

I talked to Erin, and she invited me to a Wednesday night youth group at her church. I went there, and they talked about self-worth. We were singing a song, and another friend I had some classes with reached over, encouraging me.

I was overwhelmed with warmth, and I started crying. It was an instant feeling of warmth, and I knew He was there.

That was December 2012. That was the night I gave my life to God. 

Q: How have things been since then?
A: Things have just been phenomenal. That year, as a freshman, I made it on the varsity team of the sport my coach had told me I would not be able to.

Q: How did that make you feel?
A: Before, I was playing for the wrong reasons. Then I gave my life to Christ, and I started practicing every day. Then things just clicked. I started playing for God, instead of people’s approval. Then the game just became so much more fun and rewarding.

I was just humbled because I didn't ever expect that.

The girl who was put down and told she wasn’t worth anything… Other girls wanted to be pitchers (like me) and were looking up to me. That was really humbling for me.

Q: You started an FCA Huddle at Holdingford H.S. How is that going?
A: It’s such a small, farming community, so I didn't know how people would take to it. But I felt I should at least try, because it made such an impact in my life. I talked to the athletic and clubs director. I told them I was interested in getting it started. He said, “You need an advisor.”

He said the school had tried something like FCA in the past and nothing happened. He sent an email to the faculty.

But the next day he said, “We have a director. You’re good to go.”

That was really awesome.

Then we started rolling. We met Thursday mornings in our student lounge. Different people showed up and showed interest. We would usually have about 20 kids, from all different grades, 7-12.
That was pretty cool.

FCA Huddle at Holdingford High School

Q: What activities will you be doing this fall?
A: Fall softball and cheerleading team. That’s something I’ve never done, but I’m going to give it a try.

Whatever you’re doing – if it’s playing a sport, or being in a musical or making your family dinner – put your heart and soul into it and do your best. Because you’re doing it for God, and not for other people and their praise.

Q: Do you have a go-to praise song when you need encouragement?
A: One song I really like that helps me through things is Clear the Stage, by Jimmy Needham. It reminds you that if everything else goes away, God will still be the center. When I’m playing sports, I have a sports verse, Philippians 4:13. “I can do all this through Him, who gives me strength.” From where I started and everything, it’s a good reminder that God can use you for anything at any time. 

My first varsity game, we were playing in St. Cloud. The bases were loaded and it was 8-1, in the bottom of the seventh. I was like, “I’m going in now?” That’s crazy.

They put me in and Erin Deters was playing shortstop. My other friend Kylee Bommersbach was playing second base.

I was scared out of my mind. I walked my first batter. Then I struck out next one, then the next one. Then Erin called time, and said, ‘You can breathe.’
Kylee said, “Remember Philippians 4:13.”

Then I struck out the third one. That always was embedded in my brain. It’s written on my glove, on the thumb part.

Q: Are you looking at any colleges?
A: I don't really know where I want to go. But I love children, and I love how energetic and fun they are and they say the craziest things, so I’m looking into elementary education.

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