FCA as a Catalyst to Growing Faith
Joe is not new to FCA. In high school, he and some friends started an FCA huddle in Jackson, Minnesota. Then at Mt. Marty College in Yankton, South Dakota, Joe led an unofficial group when the staff member from the University of South Dakota was unable to be there to lead. When Joe saw Bob standing at that FCA table at MSU, he was excited to get involved.
He has participated in FCA Bible studies and the 3D coaching program. Through his mentoring relationship with Goody, the FCA element has provided opportunities to look at coaching through his lens as a Christian. Joe said, “One of the best things I ever heard was one of the first things Kris ever told me at the first meeting we had. He said, ‘The best thing that I can tell you is that you have to become the best Joe Brinkman that you can.’ If I wouldn’t have heard that, it would have been a really big setback. He set me up with that right away.” Why? Because in our society it is too easy to compare yourself to others and try to be like the greats. But God created each person to serve Him with a unique set of gifts and talents. Because Goody spoke those words of truth over Joe, Joe doesn’t waste time trying to be someone God did not create him to be.