Arise With The Guys
FCA Coaches Breakfast

May 3rd, 2025  |  7:30 AM   Grace Church, Eden Prairie


Event Information

Arise With the Guys is an annual men's-only event where professional and collegiate Christian athletes share their inspirational messages of faith, godly values, and legacy-building.

Join Minnesota FCA for a free breakfast and encouraging program prior to the event. FCA Coaches Breakfast attendees will also receive free VIP tickets to Arise With The Guys!

Visit for more info about the main event. You do not need to purchase tickets for the main event if you sign up for the FCA Coaches Breakfast.

Grace Church Eden Prairie Auditorium - Door #4
9301 Eden Prairie Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55347 US 

7:15am - Doors open
7:30am - Breakfast and Program
9:00am - Arise With The Guys event begins



Tanja Hansen, FCA Admin

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