A Confidence that Rests Solely in God

Shelley Pearson • Dec 21, 2021

“For it is we who are the circumcision, we who serve God by his Spirit, who boast in Christ Jesus, and who put no confidence in the flesh— though I myself have reasons for such confidence. If someone else thinks they have reasons to put confidence in the flesh, I have more: circumcised on the eighth day, of the people of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews; in regard to the law, a Pharisee; as for zeal, persecuting the church; as for righteousness based on the law, faultless.” (Philippians 3:3-6)

The Apostle Paul, who penned these words, was highly skilled, intelligent, and zealous. If anyone ever had reason to put confidence in his own gifts and abilities, it was Paul, yet here he is saying that none of that matters. His training – doesn’t matter. His natural abilities – don’t matter. The fact that he followed every letter of the law – meant nothing to him. All that mattered was knowing Christ and bringing Him glory.

Equating Paul’s Success with a Basketball Player Today

Fast forward 2,000 years, and there is another man whose reasons to place confidence in himself look similar to Paul’s. Derek Thompson plays basketball at Bemidji State University. This Cold Spring, Minnesota, native and 6’8” starter for the Bemidji State Beavers tops the leaderboard for single-game scoring (45), third in number of games started (89), fifth in total number of minutes played (2,570), and seventh for total points scored (1,291), and eighth for all-time rebounds (556). He was twice named to the NSIC All-Conference Second Team, won the NSIC Men’s Honor-Student Athlete and D2 Athletic Directors Association Academic Achievement Award, and was voted Male Athlete of the Year at Bemidji State.

Derek has had incredible success in his game, but like Paul, he is learning that the most important thing for him to do with basketball and the rest of his life is to bring glory to God. He says, “In the bigger picture, basketball is really not that important. I have put a lot of pressure on myself to perform, and I want to be great, but I think the whole last year has been changing the reasons for wanting to be great instead of just doing it for myself – now I have a bigger purpose that people might see God glorified through me.”

Growing through Significant Loss

Just as Paul learned what is truly important through difficult challenges, Derek realized the same through significant challenges in. He says, “God had been calling me and convicting me to get into a real relationship with him instead of just recognizing that He’s there. My dad passed away almost a year ago from a brain tumor, and my best friend on the team died last June. That was a rough year. Through all that, I prayed but wasn’t super faithful.” As he struggled through these challenges and wrestled with what he really believes, he finally came to a point of surrender. He said, “Around January, I realized I needed to give everything to God and that He’s the only thing that really matters.”

Since then, Derek is pressing more into God all the time and has a deepening desire to see others know Christ as well. The difficulties he’s gone through give him credibility with those who watch his life and listen to his words. When they understand the loss he’s faced, they listen more intently as he shares his heart for God. While many people become bitter when they face loss like Derek has, he has focused on the work of Christ on the cross instead of his circumstances. He says, “It boils down to having such an admiration for the cross and the huge price God paid for us. The more one realizes how truly amazing that is and was, the easier and easier it becomes to glorify Him no matter what you’re going through.”

FCA in Derek’s Story

Derek attended FCA a few times as a freshman and more often during the following years, but it wasn’t as much a part of his life as it is today. He says, “FCA for me is right now where God has me to make the biggest impact for His kingdom. I hope to be a role model for people. I hope that people would want to follow my steps. I hope that I’m emulating Jesus in a good way.” He is intentionally living out Colossians 3:23, “In whatever you do, work at it with all your heart as working for the Lord, not for men.” 

FCA’s focus on the Gospel message provides an avenue for Derek to share with others, whether it’s through speaking at a huddle meeting or appearing in a story on the Minnesota FCA blog. He says, “I don’t always know how to put it into words, but we have a Savior in Jesus and He’s so good and amazing. I hope that whoever reads this will look at how great God is and decide to do everything for Him and His glory.” He has learned to take his eyes off his circumstances and plant them squarely on the work of the cross.

FCA Are Rep Bill Adamson has watched Derek grow over the last few years. He says, “Derek was the first member of the BSU men’s basketball team that I met two years ago.  He was injured so we got to visit for a little while during practice.  I was very impressed with him then and I'm even more impressed now.  He has really grown in his walk with the Lord and has developed into a strong leader.  I'm looking forward to what God has in store for him after graduation.”

God has used both Derek’s tremendous abilities in basketball and his deep loss as a platform to share Christ’s love with as many people as possible. For Derek, God had made all the difference in his life, and that is the story that matters. 

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