Thank you for your interest in leadership with FCA! We will be in touch with you soon!
FCA’s Statement of Faith helps us keep Christ the center of our ministry with a clear understanding of what we believe. As a ministry, we focus on what we agree on, not what we disagree about. FCA does not deal with
doctrinal differences like the gifts of the Spirit and baptism. This allows us to be inter-denominational while keeping Christ at the core of our ministry.
Just as “captains” are held to a higher standard for their team, FCA Student Leaders are held to a higher standard of biblical lifestyle and conduct. God desires all of His people, especially leaders, to pursue His standards of holiness through their conduct and obedience. Paul the Apostle instructed young Timothy to live similarly in 1 Timothy 4:12. (NLT):
“Do not let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity [chastity].”
FCA Student Leaders are not always perfect examples, but they do their best to live and conduct themselves in accordance with biblical values and instruction in order to glorify God. If there are questions about what God says regarding how we live our lives, FCA encourages student leaders to look to the Bible as their Playbook and speak to a FCA Adult Volunteer or Staff member if there are further questions.
To express and exercise FCA’s Christian beliefs, all FCA representatives shall contribute to FCA’s Christian character and mission. Accordingly, each FCA representative shall be expected to model FCA’s Christian beliefs for the larger community, perform all of their duties as a service to God and comply with the following obligations.
BELIEFS: Each FCA representatives shall affirm their agreement with FCA’s Christian beliefs and shall not subscribe to or promote any religious beliefs inconsistent with these beliefs.
CHRISTIAN CONDUCT STANDARDS: FCA Representatives shall at all times (both during working and non-working hours) endeavor to conduct themselves in a manner that affirms biblical standards of conduct in accordance with FCA’s Christian beliefs. Such conduct standards include FCA’s Youth Protection Policy and Sexual Purity Statement.
DISTINCTLY CHRISTIAN ACTIVITIES: Each FCA Representative shall be ready, willing and able to lead or contribute to distinctly Christian activities such as worship and prayer services.