“He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name.” - Psalm 23:3

Allison Carpenter’s identity was destroyed after an injury caused her to seemingly leave softball for good. She had played since age seven, went to State two times in high school, and won her junior year. What was her life going to be like without softball?

Throughout college, she struggled with her identity but was introduced to the FCA staff person in Eau Claire, where she then started volunteering with a huddle in a middle school. She loved it. Years later, she started coaching softball and fell in love with it. “I had a great time and they loved it. I loved being able to teach.”

Allison now works as the director of MN ICE in Lakeville. She coaches the youngest 14u team. Each week, Allison holds a Bible study and has seen the effect of God starting to move in the hearts of the girls. Allison said, “Kids who are struggling start showing up for Bible study and are just searching for something… This generation is so ripe for the Gospel.”

There was a time in Allison’s life when she had no idea what the future had in store for her, but God did. He knew exactly what Allison needed and knew what the girls she would eventually coach needed. God led Allison to help young girls find the truth and learn about the love God has for them. 


  • Allison’s injury was very hard for her and she didn’t know what her future would look like. What does her story teach us about hard times we may go through in our lives?
  • Allison used to place her identity in softball which led her to struggle when it was taken from her. What should you place your identity in? (Where are you at currently?)
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