“Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you your heart’s desires. Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust Him, and He will help you.” - Psalm 37:4-5

Mitchell went to church ever since he was a child, but it never really resonated with him until he was invited to a huddle in his freshman year of high school. Before that, he said that he was “constantly worried about the future and the question marks that laid ahead of [him]. From the big questions to the smaller things like what people thought of [him].” Through FCA he learned to trust God he also learned that he loved to reach others for Christ.

He has made a huge impact on his coaches, teachers, classmates, teammates, and FCA campers. One of the huddle coaches, Jenn Barlett said that he “walked in a manner that made him stand out from other students… Mitchell helped those who struggled, he listened to others, and he was respectful and honoring to those around him.” After college, Mitchell eventually moved to Stillwater and was asked to lead a huddle there where he also teaches Social Studies and coaches basketball. “I think God is really setting up something cool here in Stillwater,” He said. Mitchell has committed his life to do God’s work, and in turn, God has blessed his ministry. 


  • God brings peace and love to people, including Mitchell. Instead of being anxious, he treasured the love of Jesus Christ and focused on others. How can you reach out to someone?
  • Have you been anxious or scared lately? How can you find peace through God’s love?
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