“Rescue others by snatching them from the flames of judgment. Show mercy to still others, but do so with great caution, hating the sins that contaminate their lives” Jude 23
Near the border of Canada a small town named Warroad is settled, a place many overlook and may call insignificant. God determined otherwise and sent Steve and Darla Adams to preach the word of the Lord 26 years ago and they continue to this day. October 1994 is when Steve and Darla set foot in Warroad, Minnesota.
Their mission to spread the Word of God has two main aspects, weekly huddles, and events. Weekly huddles are supported by 6 adults but are mostly student-led. Students invite their unsaved friends to attend and while most come for the food at first, the fellowship and the Gospel draws them back. Over two decades, these huddles have had a ripple effect where disciples multiply and multiply, reaching out to others constantly with the love of Christ.
Casey is one of the many students who attended those huddles and has recently been her campus’ ministry president. FCA not only provided her with the skills in leadership and to grow in her relationship with Christ, but Casey also discovered the wonders of reaching out to lost friends and how to guide them to a possible relationship with Jesus Christ. Warroad FCA guides students to a relationship with Jesus Christ and is committed to “snatching [young people] from the fire”.