See How FCA Coaches Retreat Impacted This Couple

Sean Jensen • October 28, 2015

Jerry and Wendy Eggermont were in a “really good place” as a married couple when they arrived for a weekend FCA coaches retreat in Minneapolis during the summer of 2014.

But they worshipped together, listened together to speakers address a range of topics from family and finances, and fellowshipped together with other coaches and their spouses.

“There were different perspectives about marriage, and children, and motherhood, and fatherhood, and coaching and teaching,” Jerry says, “and you throw it all into this slow clooker, and you turn it on medium.

“It percolated all weekend. Then you come out of this saying, ‘Honey, we learned so much more about each other. Wow.’ It was absolutely amazing.”

As they drove back toward Owatonna in 2014, the Eggermonts reflected on other coaches’ families that needed to “experience what we experienced.”

Fast forward nearly a year and a half, and Jerry Eggermont is still beaming about that retreat because he’s integrated lessons from that weekend into his coaching and teaching.

At the time, Eggermont said he was heartened to hear the challenges and victories of other coaches and to share his own.

He’s also seen the benefits of practical tips and insights from speakers and peers pay off both on the football field, on the track and in the classroom. Lastly, the retreat gave him and Wendy much-needed perspective on their marriage and family.

“Wendy and I have been married 27 years,” Jerry says, “but from a marriage and family standpoint, that was something so much greater than I could have ever dreamed of.

“We grew deeper in love together and appreciation for each other.”

Ron Backes, the coaches ministry director, is humbled to hear such stories.

“Every year, the testimonies of what God does in the lives of coaches continues to… I shouldn't be, but I’m amazed,” Backes says. “I’m convicted that this a huge need, not only for coaches whose lives are stressed to the max. But it’s a huge need to minister to the coach and their family so they can be effective in whatever God has called them to do.”

Due to popular demand, Backes says the focus of the retreats hasn’t changed: relationships of coaches and their spouses, delving into the 3Dimensional coaching model, and assistance with managing finances.
For more information, please clicking here.

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