Bold + Beautiful: FCA Retreat for High School Girls

Sean Jensen • November 6, 2015

As a senior at Waseca High School, Stephanie Goetz started an FCA girls Bible study at home.

A varsity tennis player, Goetz had attended different FCA camps each summer. But she was really touched by the two adult, female mentors who helped her start the Bible study.

“Those women made such a lasting impression on me,” Goetz said. “They invested in me, cared for me, loved me, poured into me, just because it was me!

“They met me right where I was at and wanted me to experience God’s love above everything else in my life. Their investment made a lifelong impression on my heart.”

Meanwhile, at a seminar for girls at Leadership Camp, Joy Gardner was inspired by heartfelt group discussions about self-esteem, identity and body image. Then, separately, different girls approached her for one-on-one chats.

“What a beautiful experience for me to pray with these girls,” Gardner said, “to encourage them to stay strong, to walk with their head held high because they are daughters of the one true king!”

The shared passion of Goetz and Gardner, both Minnesota FCA staff members, has borne the “Bold & Beautiful” retreat for high school girls Feb. 27, 2016, at Minnesota State University, Mankato.

The retreat aims to unite and equip high-school aged girls to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ by discovering their identity in Him and exploring how to serve Him.

The goals:

  • Equip girls to be an effective leader at school, in sports and in life
  • Foster a safe environment where she can openly discuss her struggles with performance, perfectionism, body image, identity, idolatry and even the most basic of all God-given characteristics: femininity.
  • Uncover her potential as a strong, godly female competitor.

For the last three years, Goetz has led the Owatonna Girls Huddle, and she’s seen them grow on the field and in their faith. But she knows the need goes beyond Owatonna.

“I am so excited to impact young women all across the state of Minnesota with our Bold and Beautiful Retreat,” she said. “My hope is that this is just the snowflake that starts an avalanche of how God will minister to female athletes, coaches and coaches’ wives across the state.”

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