Glenn Martin: Measuring Outputs, Trusting Outcomes

Sean Jensen • November 19, 2015


As we reflect on 2015, we can see what God has done in this ministry through all the stories that we’ve posted and shared. But how many stories have gone untold? 

Les Steckel, FCA President and CEO, talks about inputs, outputs and outcomes. The inputs are all those things we put into this ministry: hard work, plans, camps, huddles, coaches’ studies. Well, what’s the output? It’s the things we can measure. We can measure that we’re in over 150 schools and that we had over 2,000 campers. We can measure a growing number of coaches’ studies around the state, and we can measure that more staff members and donors are coming alongside us.

We can hear an occasional story. But what we don't know are the outcomes of those stories. And Les is careful to make sure a couple things don’t happen: We can’t worry about those outcomes. It’s not physical work. It’s the work of the Holy Spirit. As we present and work with coaches and students, we do our part. But it’s really the work of the Holy Spirit that creates the outcomes. Secondly, we can’t claim it, and it’s not our’s to be proud of. In no way can we take hold and say, “Look at what we’ve done!”

I don't get upset or disappointed that we don’t tell all the stories. Think about the seeds that are planted that won’t germinate for years to come.

We’re grateful for the outputs, and we just rejoice and know that God is creating creating the outcomes through what we do.

As we look forward to 2016, we’re positioned to take off. We’ve added staff throughout the state, and every area director has begun implementing a three-year growth plan. It’s creating a lot of energy.

A particularly exciting initiative is moving our ministry into the urban communities, where we have very little presence. There are so many great ministries in the cities. We want to come alongside those and ask, “What would happen if you rolled out a ball?” Can we enhance your ministry?

How can we bless you?

That’s going to take more feet on the ground, more workers. As Jesus told the disciples in Luke 10:2:

That verse is in red letters in many versions of the Bible, which means Jesus said it – so it’s really important! We’re hoping that others will join with us, and pray for more workers who can work in a smaller area and reach more coaches and kids for Christ.

All these recent events in the news about our communities here and around the world remind us about how lost and evil and desperate the world is for truth, peace, love. That’s who Jesus is, and what He offers, and that’s what we must present. The world will continue to seek and struggle, and people will hurt.

Jesus is the answer. So for us to present that and share that, there’s never been a time where that message is more needed. It’s my hope that we can do our part in Minnesota and remain faithful in presenting the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes.

Glenn Martin is Minnesota FCA's director. Before joining FCA in March 2009, he was the principal at Spring Lake Park High School for 17 years.



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