Fields of Faith Follow Up - 2021

Shelley Pearson • October 22, 2021

Fields of Faith is a student-led movement where the “students invite, pray for, share with, and challenge their peers to read the Bible and follow Jesus Christ” ( It often includes a time of worship and testimony as students and others share the truth about who Jesus is and invite those in attendance to enter into a relationship with Jesus Christ.

This year, 14 Fields of Faith events were held across Minnesota in the month of October. With typical Minnesota weather, several events had to be moved inside to high school gymnasiums or local churches, while others either braved the elements or enjoyed an unseasonably warm day for their event. Some events had dozens of students in attendance while others had hundreds, but what they all shared was a clear presentation of the Gospel and challenge to get in God’s Word. 

Keep reading to get just a glimpse of the impact made.

“This event opened the door to members of the community who hadn’t heard the Gospel before. People came in because they heard something was going on and wanted to see what it was about. We handed out 40 Bibles, had 69 recommitments of faith, and four first-time commitments to follow Christ as their personal Lord and Savior!!”

“I saw God move in a powerful way through the student testimonies. They had 12 student leaders each share their faith testimony and how they got connected to FCA. These stories included the death of loved ones, serious sports injuries, and other huge life struggles for teenagers. They all shared how God got them through that time and specifically how big of a role their FCA family on campus held!”

“We held it at the Football field... it was cold but the testimonies from the students were awesome. We had games and snacks before... it was a good night... did I mention that it was cold?”

“We ended up at a church due to weather. They said there were 300 kids there! Numerous people said it was one of the best Fields of Faith to date. The testimonies from the kids were the best I have ever witnessed, and I was surprised at how many brought up depression! I’m sure our battles with COVID and isolation had a great effect on this! Our band was awesome, and the kids really loved the worship songs! I was very pleased on how successful the Lord made it!"

“I really feel like the students were engaged in the whole event…from the worship to hearing the Gospel message being proclaimed to being engaged when challenged to read through John over the next 21 days.  It was so encouraging to be together in Jesus’s Name…”

“The weather was incredibly warm.  More than a hundred people, mostly high school athletes came.  We had a quality worship band and enthusiastic student leadership and speakers.  The assistant track coach and FCA Huddle Coach communicated clearly the priorities of Scripture, fellowship, worship and prayer.  Awesome!”

“More than a hundred people attended.  The head football shared his story about his sudden cardiac arrest on the sidelines of the first game of the season September 3rd.  He calls his life now ‘bonus time’ and mentioned the prayer reports he has received as a powerful thing!  Four varsity athletes also spoke words of faith and challenge.  Praise God for this time well spent!”

What a testimony to the work God is doing in and through young people around the state of Minnesota! He is continually drawing hearts to Himself through the passion and dedication of our FCA young people. All the glory for these events goes to God, and The Fellowship of Christian Athletes is grateful to have some part in what He is doing around us. Pray that the work He did at these Fields of Faith events takes root in the hearts of those who heard the truth of God’s Word.

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