The Lundeen Legacy

Shelley Pearson • February 2, 2021
A Father, a Son, and FCA
The father. The third winningest coach in Minnesota High School football history. A coaching career that has spanned over 50 years in Becker. Induction into the Minnesota State High School League and Minnesota Football Coaches Association halls of fame. 40 years as a huddle coach for The Fellowship of Christian Athletes.

The son who is following in his father’s footsteps. A football coaching career for nearly two decades. Outstanding Educator as an Athletic Coach award winner. 18 years as an FCA huddle coach.

Dwight Lundeen has been a constant model for his son, Matt, and the thousands of players he has coached over the last 50 years and through the ministry of FCA. He has shown each one what it means to live for Christ in everything and to love and serve others with integrity.

We recently talked with Matt Lundeen about the impact of FCA camps on his family’s life (Click Here to read the story). That impact started with his dad and now Matt is leaving the same legacy to his own kids. But the impact that started with camp goes far beyond a couple weeks each summer.

It is a much larger story with The Fellowship of Christian Athletes.

The Impact of the Huddle

Long before he was in high school, Matt remembers kids coming to his house every week for the FCA huddle. “I got to see firsthand the time and energy that my dad and mom put into running the huddle at Becker, whether there were five kids there or 105 kids. They modeled how to sincerely love the kids of Becker. They want nothing more than for every youth in Becker to come to a personal relationship with Jesus. I got to see that.”

Matt’s high school years as part of an FCA huddle and attending FCA camps were the most spiritually impactful of his life. Matt says, “FCA is where I really found my niche and connected with how to make my relationship with Jesus sincere, how to truly live it out, how to not compartmentalize it, and how to truly live as a Christian athlete. I got to hear about it with great speakers, and I got to see real people live it out – other athletes, college athletes, and other coaches that planted seeds in me that really grew and took root.”

When did this happen again? During Matt’s high school years in FCA. Who was his huddle coach? His dad.

A Role Model

Some kids wouldn’t want their dads to be their coach because it can be a frustrating experience, but that was not the case with Matt. Instead, Matt said, “My dad’s my hero, my role model. He always told us, ‘I’m always your dad first and coach second.’”

The heart behind these wise words has shaped Matt in many ways as he now serves as Redwood Valley’s football coach and the FCA huddle coach at the high school. Two of his own kids are in his huddle, and he coaches his son in football. He knows how to lead and coach them well while loving all the kids in the community. He knows how because he watched his dad live it out every day of his life as he was growing up.

Matt’s parents modeled an “all in” mentality when it came to their town. “I still love Becker because it will always have a special place in my heart. I now have that same love for Redwood Falls. It’s hard to explain, but it’s the same as my mom and dad. They’ve never left Becker, and I don’t think I will ever leave Redwood Falls. I have a deep love and care for our youth. God has us here. My mom and dad modeled that. We made deep roots in Becker,” Matt said. Today, he has the same deep roots in Redwood Falls. Modeled by his dad in Becker, Matt now loves the kids of Redwood Falls and wants to see each one come into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ.

Character Lived Out

Not only was Dwight inducted into two coach’s halls of fame, but Matt recently received the Outstanding Educator as an Athletic Coach award. In the article that appeared in the Redwood Falls Gazette, school and district leaders described Matt’s contributions to the school with phrases like: 

“Matt lives his life in a way that sets a great example for all of us… models the Golden Rule every single day… everyone who comes in contact with him is better for the experience… selfless leader… always willing to help out… leads with his faith in the forefront… highly respected in the school and community.”

Each of these words could also be said about the elder Coach Lundeen. He has lived them consistently, modeled them daily, and successfully transferred them to his sons and the thousands of young men he has coached over the last five decades (Coach Lundeen coaches with his son, Mike, as well). 

Randy Jensen, FCA Area Director for the South Metro, attests that Coach Lundeen’s impact on FCA has been incredible: “It has been my joy and privilege to know and work with Coach Dwight Lundeen for almost 40 years. I can honestly say that Dwight’s participation and involvement with FCA has put him in an elite class with only a select few others. Dwight’s involvement has included not only his leadership with the Becker FCA huddle, but also with summer sports and golf camps, area rallies, state FCA coaches events and athletic director’s breakfasts, etc.”

Leaders with Integrity Raise Leaders with Integrity

About Dwight’s leadership, Randy said, “John Maxwell defines a leader as one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way. It is evident by his consistent and value-driven life that Dwight is a man of integrity and character, and he walks the talk of faith. ‘Example is not the main thing in influencing others – it’s the only thing.’ (Albert Schweitzer). FCA is grateful for Dwight’s years of service and leadership in this ministry, showing the way to countless numbers of young people, student-athletes, and coaches, not only in Becker but throughout the state. Dwight has faithfully and obediently communicated the importance of faith in Christ, of living a life which honors God, and trusting Him in every area of life.”

God has moved mightily in the hearts of young people through first Dwight and today through both father and son. Though they serve the Lord in towns two hours apart, they are impacting their worlds and reaching young people with the hope of Jesus. Dwight modeled it to Matt. Matt is modeling it to his sons. And someday Matt’s kids will model it to others as well.

FCA thanks God every day for coaches like Dwight and Matt – the trail blazers, the torch carriers, the faithful.

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