FCA Zoomed Out

Shelley Pearson • January 26, 2021
Sometimes we see only a sliver of the big picture, like one puzzle piece in a 1,000-piece puzzle. Without that one piece, the puzzle isn’t complete, but we also can’t understand the big picture until all the pieces are in place. 

Imagine that you are zoomed way in on an online map. 

Click the button once to zoom out. 

Again to zoom out further. 

And so on. 

Today, we will do that with FCA to help you see just how God is moving in the lives of coaches and athletes all around the world.

Mission and Vision

The vision and mission of FCA is to see the world transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes and to lead every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church.

The most effective way to fulfill this mission and vision is “to and through the coach.” 

Zoomed in with the Coach

Mike Cross is a football coach at Elk River High School. Coach Cross is part of an FCA coaches huddle studying the book of Ephesians. His coaches huddles allows him and other coaches to grow spiritually in community while learning how to equip student leaders. 

Coach Cross leads a football chapel on game night for coaches and team members and serves as the huddle coach for the Elk River High School FCA huddle. Currently, he is mentoring six athletes. These student leaders then lead student huddles throughout the week. The huddles are moving through FCA’s The Core and The Four as they grow in community and discipleship.

It starts with a coach who equips student leaders to lead those in their huddles into a deeper relationship with Christ. It’s the model of FCA at the local level.

The First Zoom Out – North Metro Area

Elk River is part of the North Metro Area in Minnesota led by FCA staff member, Zach Hansen. There are currently 14 huddles in the 17 high schools of the North Metro. Zach sees God’s hand “in the discipleship groups at Anoka and Elk River in the work the athletes are doing in witnessing to their peers.” He sees tremendous growth in students who have been equipped by their coaches, and he is excited to see this replicated across the North Metro.

Going Further Out – Minnesota 

We started with a coach and a huddle and then to the North Metra area. The North Metro is one of ten areas (five in outstate Minnesota and five in the Twin Cities metro area) that make up Minnesota FCA. 

By the numbers (most numbers from non-Covid years): 

  • Coaches huddles = 14
  • FCA staff = 40 
  • Leadership Camp campers = 150
  • Student athlete huddles = 200
  • Local sports camps campers = 2,000

Thousands of coaches and student athletes are already impacted each year through Minnesota FCA. Tom Ness, director of Minnesota FCA, is excited about the future impact Minnesota FCA can have on coaches and athletes. “We have the opportunity to build Christ-centered leaders who will be influencing their teams and campuses today, and just as importantly, they will be Christ-centered fathers and mothers, and business, educational, political and ministry leaders throughout their lifetimes.”

And Further Out - Northland Region

Minnesota FCA is part of the Northland Region, a four-state region consisting of North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. Over 80 staff members serve the Northland Region.

The region participates together in a weekly prayer call, monthly staff meeting, and annual staff retreat. Staff members throughout the region are replicating what is happening at Elk River High School. 

One highlight for the Northland Region is the annual sports camp it puts on at Luther College in Iowa. For one week each summer, over 300 7-12th grade athletes come together to participate in their choice of baseball, basketball, cross country, football, soccer, softball, swimming, tennis, or volleyball. They hone their skills as athletes and make lifelong friendships while getting serious about their relationships with Jesus. 

Brian Conklin, Vice President of the Northland Region, is excited about the potential reach of FCA in the region. He says, “God has been dis-invited from our schools and communities, leaving our culture and especially our youth in trouble.  That’s why FCA engages with the coach - the greatest influencer of youth in our day (outside the home), equips them to be a ‘Coach for Christ,’ and empowers them as disciple-makers in their mission field of sports. FCA helps coaches lead their athletes to Christ!"

Almost There - National

The 14 regions of FCA National is divided into three divisions: North, South, and West. The Northland Region is a part of the North Division. FCA, which started in Oklahoma in 1954 has grown to a staff of more than 2,200. Headquartered in Kansas City, Missouri, FCA reaches approximately two million coaches and athletes throughout the year. Find out more about what is happening at the national level at www.fca.org. 

Zoomed out 100% - International
FCA officially became a
global ministry in 2013. There are four global divisions made up of 14 international regions with nearly 400 international staff members. By the numbers:

  • Countries: 106
  • Leaders: 365
  • Camps: 139
  • Camper Attendance: 14,128
  • Huddles: 1,875
  • Huddle Attendance: 39,615
  • Faith Decisions: 5,640

FCA consists of 14 national regions and 14 international regions. Each region in the United States is partnered with an international region to provide support and increase its global perspective. The Northland Region is matched with Southern Africa, which consists of 19 countries that cover the southern 1/3 of Africa.

One of our international sports partners is Christo who works for SCAS (Sports for Christ South Africa) in Cape Town. SCAS shares FCA’s mission of seeing the world transformed by the Gospel. One way our region has partnered with Christo is to provide training in 3D coaching. Christo has now taken this training to over 200 coaches. 

The Big Picture

A world, a nation, a region, a state, an area, athletes, a coach.

At the heart of it all is a God who is drawing others to Himself through the influence of coaches and athletes locally and globally.

Every piece of the puzzle is vitally important to the larger work of seeing the world transformed for Jesus Christ. Would you pray for God to move in mighty ways through the ministry of FCA? 

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