Ministry Continues - Huddles Move Online

Shelley Pearson • March 26, 2020

Over the past two weeks, events have been deleted from calendars one by one: school, sports, extracurricular activities, church, small groups, meetings, gatherings over 500 then 250 then 10, etc. Some states are facing orders to stay home while other states wait to see whether the same will come to them. Suddenly, people have time on their hands they haven’t had for years. There have been more family meals, game nights, and movie nights over the past fourteen days than over the last year. Houses are getting deep-cleaned and organized. Even social media has been somewhat refreshing as people seek humor to deal with uncertainty about the future. 

Most importantly of all, God is at work. Most church services have moved online, giving access to some who may not ever enter into a church building but can hear the Gospel from their own living rooms. Thanks to technology, Bible studies and small groups have quickly moved online. God is moving at FCA as well. Our huddles are looking for creative ways to get together, and some are even meeting more often than usual. This has taught many what it means to “Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5:18). We may not be thankful for the virus, but we are certainly thankful that God is on the move. While world leaders are working very hard to contain a highly contagious virus, God is reaching into people’s lives and drawing them to Himself.

Human beings were created to need community and connection. Students who are used to being together all day every day at school and after school are feeling the effects of isolation. They crave connection. Thankfully, there are opportunities to head online. For example, student leaders of a huddle in Marshall, Minnesota, and FCA staff met over Zoom to plan the upcoming days and weeks of ministry. They also spent time praying for and encouraging each other. The student leaders will be doing short devotionals live on Instagram three times a week going forward. And in Stillwater, four area huddles came together to check in, play a game, and study the story of Meshach, Shadrach, and Abednego as it relates to the fiery furnace many of them feel they are in right now. They hope to continue this on a weekly basis.

There’s that old song that says, “It only take a spark to get a fire going.” Well, it only took news of huddles moving online to motivate other huddles to get in on online gatherings too. Dozens of huddle coaches and leaders are now considering how they can best meet the needs of their huddles during a time when they have no idea when their lives will return to normal. It is inspiring to watch huddle coaches and student leaders as they look for how God is calling them to do FCA differently. FCA has provided many resources for huddles at  and guidance for getting started online.

It has been nothing short of amazing to watch FCA staff, huddle coaches, and student leaders step up and look for how God might be calling them to keep doing ministry at a time where much of the world has shut down. We know that many people are feeling isolated and uncertain, and FCA truly desires to come alongside people to encourage, equip, engage, and empower them to fulfill what God is calling them to do. Please pray for our ministry, that God would continue drawing coaches, students, and athletes to Himself during this time. We know that God is able to do immeasurably more than we could ever ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20). Let’s ask Him to move mightily and then trust that He will do even more than we ask!

FCA Virtual

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