Stay Connected to FCA through Online Resources

Tom Ness • March 24, 2020
We know that these times produce a lot of unknowns and can create fear and isolation. FCA is here to walk alongside you in whatever you need. More important than great resources and programs is our people, including YOU! As the state director of FCA, I urge you to approach this difficult situation with a discipleship mindset that will help you and your campus be MORE effective for the Kingdom in this time. While our schools are closed, our mission is not!
FCA has created a website to help you go virtual with your huddle: The resources and options there should help you initiate this move going forward while school is not in session. If you are more familiar with Google Classroom, Google Hangouts, or Zoom technology, use them to take your huddle online. There is no need to recreate multiple processes.

We are hearing from students that they simply want to see each other. Consider taking the following steps to help this happen virtually:

  1. Gather them together.
  2. Allow them to interact with each other. 
  3. Over the next weeks, weave more FCA content into your times together. 

The options for how to continue the ministry of FCA over the coming weeks or months are endless. Be creative when bringing these ideas into a virtual environment!

  • Meet weekly for games, discussion, and Bible Study/Speaker.
  • Meet several times a week for devotions (find some in resources below).
  • Choose a book of the Bible to read together and meet regularly to discuss in large groups or small groups (this would be a great time to empower student leaders to each lead a discussion group).
  • Plan a movie or video for your huddle to watch and then come together to discuss.
  • Expand to more huddles. In one district, four huddles are meeting together.
  • Challenge your huddle to read one of the gospels and send $5 DQ gift cards to those who finish.

We want you to be equipped to make the most of this unprecedented time, which is why FCA has developed a variety of resources to help you grow and do ministry on any device in a virtual environment.
FCA Virtual FCA Resources YouVersion Bible App
Start an FCA reading plan or reading devotional. Install the app, click on Plans, and type FCA in the search bar (You can also find these plans on YouVersion’s desktop version at
FCA Life Trainer App
Download the FCA - Life Trainer App in the Google Play or App Store to help achieve peak spiritual fitness. You'll receive verses multiple times a day to keep you grounded in the Word.
In the midst of uncertain and changing times, there are three thing that remain the same in the ministry of FCA.
  1. God's Word & Truth
  2. Our call to be disciples and make disciples
  3. The need to grow and mature in our faith
Our staff is here to help you. Thank you for your faithfulness to the mission of FCA, to see the world transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes.

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