Springfield MN Huddle Start Up

Wendy Graven • March 3, 2025

Read along to learn how the Lord moved Springfield teachers Katie Wilhelmi, Taylor Milbrath, and Joeli Kretsch to help students start an FCA Huddle!

God planted seeds of the Gospel in these ladies' hearts by way of church, family, and fellowship during their younger years and eventually brought each of them to surrender their lives to Christ. Katie grew up going to church every weekend and shares that her mom was vital in teaching her about God at a very early age. Taylor's childhood church consistently shared the Gospel and because of that she surrendered her life to Christ when she was in elementary school. Joeli grew up in a faith-filled family, but didn't have a strong personal relationship with Jesus until she was in college. God has blessed the three of them as co-workers, friends, and sisters in Christ.

Katie first learned about FCA through social media. This past Fall she watched as social media posts were shared regarding Fields of Faith. She decided to take a group of Springfield's 7th grade boys to Marshall to experience the event alongside her and her husband. Being some of the last to leave the event that evening, it was evident the boys had found community in fellowship, wisdom in what speaker Coach Matt Lundeen spoke over them, and encouragement in the testimonies shared. Katie prayed over Matthew 28:19-20 which reads, "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always to the end of the age." This is the Great Commission!

It turns out Katie's determination to share the love of Christ stirred up both Taylor and Joeli in the endeavor to start Springfield's own FCA huddle. While Taylor clung to Matthew 6:33, "Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you" Joeli prayed over Psalm 18.

As teachers, they noticed many upperclassmen were already leaders among their peers and active in their churches. They asked the kids if they were interested in starting up a huddle and their enthusiasm confirmed their desire to step up and lead!

Having never been part of a FCA huddle, Katie leaned on Taylor and Joeli as both had experience attending and leading high school FCA huddles. With enthusiastic uppperclassmen ready to serve their peers, they reached out to Robin Knudson to see how they could accomplish sharing God's love by word and deed through a FCA huddle in Springfield.

Meetings were had, training was completed, and Ministry Leader Applications were filled out before they held their first huddle on Monday, February 24th! Twenty five kids came to Springfield's first FCA huddle and were welcomed with breakfast, a friendly competition, and personal testimonies of God's grace and mercy from their peers.

Katie, Taylor, and Joeli are so thankful for the support they have received from their community and are excited to engage, equip, and empower Springfield athletes and coaches in the name of Jesus through FCA!

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