What is an FCA Huddle Coach?

Shelley Pearson • June 8, 2020
Huddle coaches are a vital part of FCA’s ministry, but what exactly is an FCA huddle coach and what do they do? 

These adult mentors come alongside students to engage, equip, and empower them as they lead and attend FCA huddles. Mahtomedi High School is blessed to have three solid huddle coaches serving together. Matt, Angela, and Keith have been leading as a team for seven years. They all have busy lives as parents, teachers, coaches and more, so why do they do it?

Serving God and Students

Matt teaches math and computer science and coaches wrestling and football at the high school. “I serve as a huddle coach because I want students to have a place to share their faith and connect with other students who are growing in their faith. FCA provides opportunities for any student to get connected with faith.” He is grateful that they can have an FCA huddle at their public school and loves to see the students influencing their friends for Christ. 

Angela teaches psychology and history and coaches volleyball. She serves for many reasons but mainly because she loves seeing kids connect to Christ. She says, “If they can find a personal relationship with Jesus Christ by my being there, it’s all worth it!” She has experienced firsthand the platform sports has in reaching kids with the gospel. It has made a difference in her life, and she wants to see others impacted as well. 

Keith teaches math at the middle school and coaches boys basketball. He is passionate about serving as a huddle coach. “I see it as a fantastic way to serve the Lord and have a Christian influence in a public school. While the huddle is student-led, the huddle coaches support and help organize all huddles and special events.” 

Serving Together

The task of huddle coach is daunting and sometimes overwhelming when one person tries to do the work alone, but the shared load is not too much for any one person to bear.  They have different strengths that complement each other, and they all move through different times of busyness. Sometimes one is coaching and the other two can pick up the slack. Angela has small children so she has less time to do the things that happen outside the school day. However, she can purchase supplies or set up special events.

Matt joked, “I’m just carried by the strength of the other two.” Both Keith and Angela would be quick to say they are all carried by each other which makes the team that much more beautiful. 

“It feels like God is doing something,” says Angela. “We see parts of it, but it’s probably bigger than we realize because there are times where it feels like ‘oh, is this just one more thing? Should I keep putting my time into this?’ But then I have calls with Keith and Matt or see God moving in students, and I am affirmed.” 

The work is worth it because the kids are worth it. To see their lives changed gives all three coaches the encouragement to keep pressing on. 

God is at Work

Numbers have increased this year with a regular attendance of fifty students every week. Matt remarked, “The draw and impact must be positive if that many kids keep coming back to the huddle. I see huge growth in the leaders as well. They really run it. They have to prepare a lesson and activity and get up in front of their peers and talk about their faith. God is growing leaders and creating opportunities for teenagers to be brought closer to Christ and grow in their faith through FCA.” 

Angela senses God growing and directing the students as well: “I see God using students and Christian staff in lots of small ways that are making a big impact – from my girls’ Bible study that is quietly praying for a revival to the way Matt, Keith, and I lead together with different strengths and weaknesses to the annual volleyball event that reaches more kids in the school.” Angela is especially excited about what she has seen in one of her volleyball players. “She had been really reserved and then joined the leadership team. Before, she had a faith but didn’t like to talk about it in front of people. Now she is now comfortable sharing her faith and praying in front of others.” 

Seeds are Planted

Keith trusts that God is softening hearts through the FCA huddle. He told the story of a star athlete who had repeatedly been exposed to FCA in high school by some of his teammates but never got involved. God continued nudging his heart when he got to college until he gave his life to the Lord. He recently came back to the huddle at Mahtomedi to share his story and encouraged huddle members to “give their steering wheels to God” and let Him lead. For Keith, it was a great reminder that he, Matt, and Angela can trust that God is drawing the hearts of young people to Himself, and the three of them may or may not get to see the results in the few years the students are in high school.

They do it because God has called them there. They stay because they sense God’s movement among the students who attend and even those who do not attend. FCA thanks Matt, Keith, Angela, and all the huddle coaches around the world. Without them, the work could not be done.

Are you interested in making an impact within your school as a Huddle Coach? Contact your local area FCA staff person to get the conversation started!

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