2021 marks the 31st year of the Waseca Junior Sports Camp. John Conway was a youth pastor in Waseca when FCA staff member Randy Jensen suggested holding a summer sports camp for kids in grades 4-8 (since then third grade has been added). Though the idea was unheard of at the time, Conway took the idea and ran with it. Today, 31 years later, Conway, who is now a 14-year FCA staff member, continues to run with this camp, and God has reached the hearts of many through this annual camp!
Since 1991, 4,400 youth have attended the camp, one thousand have indicated first-time decisions, and twelve hundred more have recommitted their lives to Christ. Hundreds of high school students have been given valuable leadership opportunities, and the community has become a great supporter of this local sports camp.
But Conway will be the first to say that it has always been God at work in the hearts and lives of young people in Waseca, and it is God who has raised up countless volunteers over the years with the same heart to see young people reached with the Gospel of Christ. This sentiment is shared by camp directors John and Lori Hanson and Barry and Stacey Dufault. Stacey said, “It’s minor what we do – it’s all God. The camp is totally His. It’s always been a joy to serve."